Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Greetings in the mighty name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
I write this letter with a grateful heart to my dear and very special people for whom we pray every day in our morning prayer. Our Lord leads us to pray for you regularly. God give us the burden for it. Even though there are lots of problems in many parts of the country against the Christians we are continuing our work, Action for Asia Outreach, trusting that when there are problems we are in the correct track. God is with us. Your prayer and support encourages continuing the work. As I always say you are the backbone of AFAO. Instead of writing the difficulties we face, I prefer to write the blessing Lord our God shower up on us.
Our co worker Lungshim Kasom sent the testimony of his church member from Uttrakhand state:
Greetings in the mighty name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
I write this letter with a grateful heart to my dear and very special people for whom we pray every day in our morning prayer. Our Lord leads us to pray for you regularly. God give us the burden for it. Even though there are lots of problems in many parts of the country against the Christians we are continuing our work, Action for Asia Outreach, trusting that when there are problems we are in the correct track. God is with us. Your prayer and support encourages continuing the work. As I always say you are the backbone of AFAO. Instead of writing the difficulties we face, I prefer to write the blessing Lord our God shower up on us.
Our co worker Lungshim Kasom sent the testimony of his church member from Uttrakhand state:
"By the grace of God new members are coming to Lord. Brother Surendra is from Dandia village and he is 30 yrs old. He was getting FIT (a sickness) for the last few years. There was no relief with doctors and medicines. Home situation was also very bad. Father started drinking and always quarrels at home. Surendra heard about Jesus and the servant of God. He came to our brother Lunghim and he shared about Jesus and the word of God. He surrendered fully to Jesus and Brother Lungshim prayed for him. Surendra felt some relief and he shared his feeling at his home. Since then, he is free of the FIT, and his father is no longer consumed by alcohol. Praise God ."
Let us continue our Lords Kingdom work till our last breath God is with us and HE will protect us . Please pray for us and also please support the work . New academic year is going to start. Please help as HOLY SPIRIT leads you
In HIS vineyard
Mary & Satyajit