It’s always a joy to visit with the children and staff at Transform Asia's David Center Orphanage in Anlong Veng. Our team was in Cambodia for three weeks focusing mainly on water/wastewater projects as well as helping to prepare the David Center Guest House for future visiting teams.
Clean water
Water testing was a priority for the team as well. Samples were taken to test water quality at multiple sites (before and after existing filtration) to access what processes are working well and where improvements to water quality exist. Two water filters (Biosand Filters) were purchased from Water for Cambodia so that they could be placed at each bathroom facility at The David Center so the children and staff would have access to clean water to brush their teeth. Two more water filters were purchased and placed at the Church and Farm property in Anlong Veng. A new water tower was also designed and constructed at the church property so the resident pastor could utilize water from the well.