Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Greetings from Nagpur in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you for your prayer, support and encouragement to continue our Lord’s ministry in the midst of all troubles and struggles. The outreach ministry in all six states is continuing in spite of different types of problems from anti social elements. Whatever is the situation, the work is to be continued and the Gospel is to be reached in every corner before HIS second coming. Let us thank God for using us to fulfill HIS words. The present problem of Christian missionaries those who are continuing their work is completely different and it is not possible to mention everything. Top of that, we are facing financial problems for survival, but our Lord is encouraging the brothers by some signs and miracles.
Brother Deenanath sent this testimony from Madhya Pradesh:
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and HE does miracles amongst us even today. AnilKumar Khobragade is 17 years old boy belongs to Maher tribe. There are 4 people in his house father mother and a big brother. Anil was in mental shock for many months, without talking , not going out of the house and scared of everything . The parents tried their best to treat him taking to different doctors and also to witchdoctor. Nobody could help him. One day they brought him to me asked for prayer. I told him about Jesus Christ and HIS power of healing. You have to believe in HIM, then I will pray for you. Anil said I believe in Jesus Christ. I prayed for him and the whole church started praying for him. Lord our God healed him completely and he became a new person. Now, the whole family comes to church regularly!
Please continue your prayer and help!
In HIS vineyard,
Mary & Satyajit
Greetings from Nagpur in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you for your prayer, support and encouragement to continue our Lord’s ministry in the midst of all troubles and struggles. The outreach ministry in all six states is continuing in spite of different types of problems from anti social elements. Whatever is the situation, the work is to be continued and the Gospel is to be reached in every corner before HIS second coming. Let us thank God for using us to fulfill HIS words. The present problem of Christian missionaries those who are continuing their work is completely different and it is not possible to mention everything. Top of that, we are facing financial problems for survival, but our Lord is encouraging the brothers by some signs and miracles.
Brother Deenanath sent this testimony from Madhya Pradesh:
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and HE does miracles amongst us even today. AnilKumar Khobragade is 17 years old boy belongs to Maher tribe. There are 4 people in his house father mother and a big brother. Anil was in mental shock for many months, without talking , not going out of the house and scared of everything . The parents tried their best to treat him taking to different doctors and also to witchdoctor. Nobody could help him. One day they brought him to me asked for prayer. I told him about Jesus Christ and HIS power of healing. You have to believe in HIM, then I will pray for you. Anil said I believe in Jesus Christ. I prayed for him and the whole church started praying for him. Lord our God healed him completely and he became a new person. Now, the whole family comes to church regularly!
Please continue your prayer and help!
In HIS vineyard,
Mary & Satyajit