We all know it is the duty of Christians to come out of their comfort zone and to attempt to make Christ known by spreading the gospel among unreached people. And I’m sure there is a greater need of understanding now of the relationship between God’s sovereignty and human responsibility in the work of evangelism and missions.
For this reason us a ministry Youngsters for Christ team we are committed in disciple making among unreached people as well as mobilizing local churches and believers to make disciple through the trainings in discipleship, with the aim of full filling the call of the great commission Matt 28:19-20 Go ye into the world in the faith and in trusting the lord we have remained focused and committed to see all are reached with the Gospels of the lord of Jesus Christ. We trust the lord to continue to encourage and establishing “Christ centered churches among communities /villages.”
With different outreach programs such as Kids feeding, Ladies Sanitary (Pad), Schools and home cells bible groups. Jesus Films evangelism tool has been good in helping us reach so many in supporting the local churches also in helping to plant new churches in the villages in either cold or in rainy sessions because it’s able to bring so many people together and in few minutes we always end up having more than three hundred in one village and by the end of the show, over 50 respond to the invitation to accept Christ Jesus Christ.
With few local churches starting to get involved with outreaches missions in the villages, markets places and other nearby destinations which is a good thing and as a ministry we encourage it to continue and supporting this local pastors/churches . But perhaps it is not the whole story? Can we truly say we are ‘making the disciples of all nations if there are still millions of people who have no opportunity to hear the gospel?
Over thousands of people in different communities and villages, there are many with limited access of this good new the GOSPLE OF JESUS and it takes more than a day or even some time a week to be effective in reaching people groups that have many natural barriers to the gospel. Barriers of infrastructure, religion, location and much more.
For this reason us a ministry Youngsters for Christ team we are committed in disciple making among unreached people as well as mobilizing local churches and believers to make disciple through the trainings in discipleship, with the aim of full filling the call of the great commission Matt 28:19-20 Go ye into the world in the faith and in trusting the lord we have remained focused and committed to see all are reached with the Gospels of the lord of Jesus Christ. We trust the lord to continue to encourage and establishing “Christ centered churches among communities /villages.”
With different outreach programs such as Kids feeding, Ladies Sanitary (Pad), Schools and home cells bible groups. Jesus Films evangelism tool has been good in helping us reach so many in supporting the local churches also in helping to plant new churches in the villages in either cold or in rainy sessions because it’s able to bring so many people together and in few minutes we always end up having more than three hundred in one village and by the end of the show, over 50 respond to the invitation to accept Christ Jesus Christ.
With few local churches starting to get involved with outreaches missions in the villages, markets places and other nearby destinations which is a good thing and as a ministry we encourage it to continue and supporting this local pastors/churches . But perhaps it is not the whole story? Can we truly say we are ‘making the disciples of all nations if there are still millions of people who have no opportunity to hear the gospel?
Over thousands of people in different communities and villages, there are many with limited access of this good new the GOSPLE OF JESUS and it takes more than a day or even some time a week to be effective in reaching people groups that have many natural barriers to the gospel. Barriers of infrastructure, religion, location and much more.
Prayer Points
- Continue to pray for Kenya , that peace will prevail even after election repeats.
- Praise God for the growing desire from the local churches in the area of evangelism and discipleship.
- We need Bible for the Pastors and some leaders in churches.
- We believe with your prayers and your love sacrificial monthly support or gift we will impact more life for Christ.
- As a mission with a big hearts for Evangelism, mentorships, discipleship, missions and church planting we are appealing you STAND WITH US FROM WHERE YOU MIGHT BE.