As we visited Sister Tamara in Paicu, Maoldova, it was such a great blessing to see the greenhouse doing so very well. FARMS/GMI had helped her start this. Partners had also helped Tamara’s brother to purchase goats and the flock is doing so well that he can soon purchase more. They are excelling with the tools that have been provided through FARMS, which will help them to become self-sufficient. We thank the Lord for the opportunity to invest in such a successful venture. At the same time she has a heart for the elderly in her village to have a home, which will cost $10,000 to purchase the property.
Sister Tamara knows how it is to be unloved and forgotten, with a childhood filled with violence at the hands of her own father. It is her God-given vision to help abused children and the elderly. Now she is enduring yet another personal, difficult hardship as she was recently diagnosed with cancer in her jaw. She is in need of surgery in Germany and it is our heart’s desire to help her in any way we can. Please pray for the Lord to provide the necessary funds to help in this area as well.
The Lord has opened a door of opportunity in Southern Ukraine through pastors and leaders having a heart to help the refugee crisis because of the war in the eastern part of the country. Since 2013, 1.9 million people have been displaced, fleeing with no more than the clothes on their backs. Most are living in abandoned apartments, dormitories or sanitariums on the outskirts of the towns and cities. This unique opportunity to give hope to the hopeless is because of much prayer by a group of pastors and leaders whom GMI has worked with through the years. The short-term vision that God has placed on their hearts is to remodel one of the buildings on a site, which is located about 30 km from the large historical city of Cernauti, Ukraine to house refugees.
There are seven large buildings, two houses, several smaller buildings, a stadium and 3 mineral wells on 16 acres that used to be a medical therapeutic resort. The long-term vision as they remodel one building at a time, is to have Christian couples residing there, taking in orphans and elderly to form a small community with a church planted in a building that is central to the property. Please pray along side us as plans for this vital project move forward with the Lord’s help. It is GMI’s heart to help these displaced families any way we can by the leading of the Holy Spirit. Initially, it is our heart’s desire to help as many refugee families as possible with a care package of non-perishable food items, such as sugar, rice, oil and blankets ($50 each package). Please pray how the Lord would lead you to help these hurting people.
Matthew 25:35 says, “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.”
As we see the signs of the times, let the Lord make it ever more urgent for us to be about His business. We pray daily for Him to strengthen you and are so very thankful for all of your prayers and love for the lost and hurting throughout the world. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you all abundantly in Him as we continue to expand His Kingdom!
Love in Christ,
Ghiorghi and Cristina Cazacu
Matthew 25:35 says, “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.”
As we see the signs of the times, let the Lord make it ever more urgent for us to be about His business. We pray daily for Him to strengthen you and are so very thankful for all of your prayers and love for the lost and hurting throughout the world. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you all abundantly in Him as we continue to expand His Kingdom!
Love in Christ,
Ghiorghi and Cristina Cazacu